Chapelle de Graydon

  • Chapelle de Graydon
  • Chapelle de Graydon
  • Chapelle de Graydon
  • Graydon vu depuis le Col Ratti
  • Graydon en automne
  • Chapelle de Graydon
Chapelle de GraydonChapelle de GraydonChapelle de GraydonGraydon vu depuis le Col RattiGraydon en automneChapelle de Graydon


At the heart of the alpine Graydon pasture, under the hardened eye of the majestic roc d’enfer, you find the little Graydon chapel. It was built in 1859 and then entirely renovated in 2009
The Graydon chapel constructed in 1859, allowed for the parishes of ST Jean d’Aulps and that of Essert Romand, separated a few years earlier to keep a certain link between them. It was in 1902 that the Swiss architect, Goss, constructed the entrance porche where two Capitals where added that came from the Aulps Abbey.

The chapel in consecrated to the immaculate conception is today a place of celebrations and all through the summer season the parish celebrates a mass every Wednesday

You can get there from Essert Romand or from the little hamlet called Valette at St Jean d’Aulps
From 06/01 to 09/30 : open daily.


Chapelle de Graydon
GPS coordinates
Latitude : 46.201874
Longitude : 6.635549
You can get there from Essert Romand or from the little hamlet called Valette at St Jean d’Aulps.


Chapelle de Graydon
Phone : +33 4 50 79 65 09
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