Horse riding with Alpes Equitation

  • Alpes Equitation
  • Alpes Equitation
  • Alpes Equitation
Alpes EquitationAlpes EquitationAlpes Equitation


Specialising in equestrian tourism, we offer rides all year round, from 2 hours to 6 days, in groups or privately, for both beginners and experienced riders aged 6 and over.
Our horses, bred and trained here, will take you on a tour of the Chablais region, following its rivers, through its forests, pastures and villages.

Walk and hike:
> 2-hour walk for beginners or experienced hikers. Come and discover the charming village of Essert-Romand and the Dérêches forest, where many birds and squirrels await you.
> For experienced hike (3 hrs): We'll set off to discover Lac de Montriond, which we'll hike alongside as far as the old Albertans mountain pasture at the foot of magnificent cliffs.
> Confirmed day hike. We'll set off to discover the mountain pastures of our mountains: Graydon and its majestic cirque where chamois and marmots await you; the Aulps mountain pasture where you'll encounter the Roc d'Enfer; the tour of Mont Caly where the best view of Mont Blanc in the valley awaits you. On each hike, we'll have lunch in a small mountain restaurant serving typical mountain cuisine.

Multi-day hikes:
> 2-day beginners' hike: you'll discover the Aulps mountain pastures, the charming hamlet of Bonnavaz and Mont Caly with its view of Mont Blanc.
> Confirmed 2-day hike: we'll take you to discover the treasures of our valleys. You can choose to discover the village of Praz de Lys and its famous view of Mont Blanc, Graydon via Lac des Vallons, where you can discover the Roc d'Enfer in all its forms, or Abondance via Lac des Plagnes, with its superb views of the Dent d'Oches. Overnight stays in inns and refuges.
> 3-day hike: we'll explore the Sixt Fer à Cheval cirque after visiting the charming little village of Samoëns.
> 5-day hike: discover the Giffre valley in all its forms: the Praz de Lys mountain pasture and the river that will take you to Sixt Fer à Cheval.

Others :
> Private walks: Fancy an activity with family or friends? We offer rides from 2 hours to 2 days for you alone.
> Half-day ride to Lake Montriond: we go up to the lake in the early afternoon, leave the horses in the forest and you enjoy a swim in the lake and a crêpe at the refreshment bar. We come down at the end of the afternoon.
From 15/04 to 03/11, daily between 9 am and 6 pm.


612 Route de Montriond
GPS coordinates
Latitude : 46.203842
Longitude : 6.673471


- Walks and hikes: between €60 and €150/person, depending on the outing
- Multi-day hikes: between 360€ and 1250€/pers. depending on the hike
- Others: between €100 and €250/person, depending on the activity

Bookings by telephone.
Bookings by phone
Alpes Equitation
Mob : +33 6 30 05 32 14
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